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Blogging: What it Has Meant to Me


When we started this blog, I thought “this totally sucks, we are going to have to post about boring topics that we discuss in class.” I mean, don’t get me wrong, I liked the thought that Professor Brooks wanted feedback from us and cared about our opinions, but I knew that blogs to other people were so much more than that. When I think of a blog, I think of either depressing things people post about everyday, or I think of the new type of blog which is something like tumblr. I have never really had a blog and I never really thought I would even start one. I did do some “blog” posts on myspace back in middle school to share some of my poetry and get feedback, but I never thought of actually creating a blog and using it often. I didn’t think of this as a personal blog until we actually posted about different topics and how we view them. That’s when I realized I could make this a reflection on not only class topics, but about me in general.

When I look at my blog, I remember when Professor Brooks asked us to personalize it by choosing a theme. When I was choosing my theme, I really was just thinking “I want something green.” Not the whole background being green because that’s TOO much green, but definitely a subtle, fresh green that pops out. That’s where the grass and dew picture came from. It gives that sort of subtle green that I was looking for, but it really wasn’t enough to POP. My blog does look sort of BLAH compared to the cutesy, colorful themes other people chose, but I think that just shows how much I don’t care about the appearance of very much in my life. As you can tell, I don’t try and pull people in to get to know who I am. So, I didn’t try and my my blog all sorts of flashy. I guess that sort of reflects who I am and what I believe in if you look at it in a different way.

As for my audience, I believed first and foremost the person who would be reading it the most would be Professor Brooks and of course my classmates had to respond on blog post but that didn’t mean all of them would be reading mine in particular. I did refrain from saying things in certain ways or using certain words, just because I knew this was a blog for class. There were even times where I wanted to just go off on some people in our class, but I stayed classy.

Besides the way I wrote and how my blog looks, I believe I used many other strategies that appealed to my audience. First, I used pathos throughout my entire blog. From my very first blog I used pathos strongly, “So live or die. It’s all about the way you choose to do so. If you choose to live, make the choices that will allow you to live life to the fullest and make the most of it. And if you die or choose to die, choose to die in a way that was worth the fight.” It really hits you hard when you think about being dead or alive. It gets you thinking about your fear of dieing and wondering if you will actually live a good life. I even used pathos when I reflected on a quote from the movie She’s the Man when I said, “words may mean absolutely nothing to anyone else, but to me it’s all about friendship.” I mean you feel a sense of happiness and joy when you think about laughing with all of your friends over a quote in a movie. It gets you reminiscing to a time and a place where you did the same thing. You even saw this connection with my audience based all of the comments I got from this post. Classmates said things like, “sooooo funny” or “this movie is hilarious.” I’m pretty sure I brought some people a bit of joy when they were reading my blog post. And if you ever saw She’s the Man, you’d be laughing in your head, too. Pathos was also portrayed in my post about the song that represents my relationship. “We don’t know whether we will be together forever or how we will make it work, but we know that nothing between us will ever change anything.” With that, you can truly feel the love when you are reading it. It connects to a lot of people when you read through the comments as well, one of my classmates even said, “Looking through the different options of posts to read I almost skipped this because it was longer, but then I saw the song title and the 3 years 6 months and I was hooked. I’ve been with my girlfriend for almost a year and 4 months and I can relate completely.” This just shows that I truly connected with my audience through the use of pathos. Reading my blog post made him think about the true love in his own relationship and it really made him happy.

The second rhetorical strategy I used was Identification. When I chose to speak about my life with my boyfriend, I completely connected to my audience. I feel like everyone got to know me and see me in a different light. I also did this when I posted a picture of the two of us from the first dance to our last dance in high school and I feel like people could use this to relate to them because I look different and it’s cool to see how much I have changed. I feel like I truly caught some of my classmates eyes and related to them when I wrote about something truly personal and that shows through one comment my classmate made “This song is appealing because it brings back a lot of good memories and an interesting point. When you’re in love its funny how much time you can “waste” spend sitting around not caring what you do.” It made me really happy to hear that other couples just love spending time doing whatever as long as they are together and this showed me that I truly connected to my audience by showing them who I really was.

I used the rhetorical strategy exemplification throughout my entire blog as well. When I used the poem in the movie gray to show the true meaning of the movie, I was using exemplification.  I was connecting something to what it refers to. I showed the relationship the poem had to the rest of the movie and it’s connection to the overall meaning to the movie. When I wrote my blog post about the song that represents my relationship, I opened using “3 years 6 months 18 days and counting” to connect people to my blog and show them that it actually refers to my relationship just as the music video and song relate to my relationship.

This blog definitely wasn’t what I thought it would be. Yes, it was an assignment to post on our blog, but it was a time where I really reflected on myself and my beliefs. I actually started to like reading other classmate’s bogs when we had to post something with emotion. I don’t think it is something I’ll maintain because I feel like my feelings aren’t something I want shared unless asked to do so, but maybe I will keep a private online journal type of blog to reflect on things going on in my life.


Sarah Kay: If I had a daughter

I saw this yesterday and thought it would be something nice to hear, I absolutely love her voice and the way she speaks with her whole body. She has so much emotion and I love it. I hope you guys enjoy.

My opinions on gun control

<I am the kind of person who believes it is a personal right to own guns. Yes, I believe background checks should be a little more implemented, but guns shouldn’t be taken away. I think maybe people that own guns should take classes or a test just like you would for a driver’s license. If it’s a type of machine just like how a car is, you should required t take a certain amount of classes or certain amount of hours using a gun and learning about guns and how they could hurt people of used wrongly. I doubt anyone could make any arguments with that, because the people who should really own guns would ace a test like that.
I don't think that the issue of guns is really that big of a deal anyways… I really think the real problem here is something to do with the media blowing up these gun massacre stories out of proportion. There are other more important things going on in our nation media just makes guns out to be the hot gossip of a story. I wish this weren't true, but in our society media over runs everything. We learn a lt for the media whether it be true or untrue, we believe it. So I believe the true problem is media not guns. People will always kill other people, we have other things to worry about. Like what's going on with the healthcare or what's going on with things that actually have importance to us.


Chasing Cars

3 years 6 months 18 days and counting.

Yeah, I know… I’m 18. This relationship has filled 1/5 of my life with pure love and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

We met when I was 14. He was the crazy, obnoxious kid that was retaking freshman biology and I was that typical straight A, teacher’s pet kind of girl who everyone copied off of. You know the first words he said to me? “You are cute, can I have your number?” not even a “hello, my name is Drew” or a “hey, what’s your name?” Of course, I give him my number and then he asks, “wait, what’s your name for the contact?” Hahahaha.

This is the kid I’ve been with for 3+ years, how is it possible? We are best friends. He’s the funniest, rudest, craziest guy I have ever met and I love him. There is never a dull moment with him.

What is a relationship without a song? I know cheesy, right?

We agreed that couple songs were stupid especially since our relationships we just got out of had the exact same song… 1 2 3 4 I love you by plain white tees. AWKWARDDDDD. lol.

I heard this song before, but while listening to it there was something different about it at the moment. I realized as the lyrics went through my mind that it was the picture of our relationship. Everything about it reminded me us. Absolutely EVERYTHING. The simplicity of it, the repetitiveness, the complete and udder truth about how love should be.

I can’t recall how many times people have told us that we weren’t serious and my family not believing in us as a couple. “We don’t need anything or anyone” The lyrics of this song portray it all, we just need each other, and no matter what we do, it will always be awesome just because it’s something we do together.

“I don’t know where. Confused about how as well. Just know that these things will never change for us at all.” We don’t know whether we will be together forever or how we will make it work, but we know that nothing between us will ever change anything.

When I hear this song, I just smile and think about a night back to where it first played randomly between us.

It was our 2nd anniversary and we had no money AT ALL, so we made sandwiches, grabbed some “kid wine” aka apple cider and drove to the top of mountain over looking our city. I played my favorite Pandora station which he did NOT agree with because he hates The Fray… and this song plays. I smile and as the sun goes down I start singing to him in my terrible voice at the top of my lungs (Typical me, I ruin romantic moments with outbursts of terrible singing while we both laugh).

Ever since then, I hear this song constantly and I just smile and realize that this is our song.

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She’s the Man

“Do you like cheese?”

“Why yes, my favorite’s Gouda.”



I know that this quote probably means nothing to you, and it isn’t inspirational like most of the ones you will be reading are, but it’s hard to choose a quote that means so much to me. Honestly, when I think of quotes that mean something to me, I think of She’s the Man. It’s my absolute FAVORITE movie ever! Not just because Amanda Bynes is the prettiest, funniest girl alive, or even because Channing Tatum is the Hottest man I have ever seen in my life, it’s because of the memories I’ve had watching, quoting and acting out She’s the Man. I actually got the movie in 4th grade. Actually by saying “got” I actually mean that I stole it from my best friend at the time. It’s that great of a movie. Since then I’ve watched it countless times and every time my friends are together we quote this hilarious movie at least once. This movie represents courage, pride and faithfulness which are three things I think are most important to me. So whether it be… “Which one would you rather see NAKED?!” or “I’m a bad ass hunky dude!” or even “How come when I wanted to ask Eunice out everyone made fun of me, but then Sebastian likes her and suddenly she’s cool? Screw you guys. I hate high school.” I can’t help but see all of my friends laughing no matter how much we repeat them. These words may mean absolutely nothing to anyone else, but to me it’s all about friendship.

Reaction to Jared Diamond Talk

ASK YOURSELF: Which of the following things is the most important for advancing powers?

  • Geography
  • Culture
  • Natural Resources
  • Intelligence
  • Religion
  • Morality

When I was asked which of the above things was the most important in growing societies, I bluntly answered intelligence. I thought that if you were smart enough, you could make the most of what you had and be able to take over anything someone else had.

After the class discussion in RWS I realized I was absolutely wrong. I was looking at the whole situation in the wrong way. Jared Diamond made me realize that people in different parts of the world have different resources when all along I believed that everyone had the same things if not at least access to the same things, but really… when do you ever learn about the New Guineans and the resources they had? The answer is NEVER because they don’t have anything and didn’t use anything to conquer anyone, they (to the rest of the world) seem almost minuscule to all of the other countries in the world. They are no less/more smart then anyone else in the world. If anything they work a whole lot harder and are more resourceful with the things they have, but they don’t have a whole lot to work with.

That’s the difference between the groups of people who became dominate and those who didn’t. It was pure luck of the draw when it came down to resources.


I enjoyed listening to what Diamond had to say about early human history. I especially liked that he went against the racist assumptions about the biological differences that allowed dominance in some places rather than others. I realized that my blunt answer about intelligence was not racist, but extremely ignorant.

Rhetorical Precis (Jared Diamond)

Carolyn Graham

Professor L. Brooks

RWS100 Section 67

15 September 2013

Rhetorical Precis  “Why Did Humans Unfold Differently On Different Continents For The Last 13,000 Years?”

                Jared Diamond, an expert in the patterns of human history, gave a lecture, “Why Did Humans Unfold Differently On Different Continents For The Last 13,000 Years?” Diamond asserts that plants and animals along with their environment caused humans to be able to sustain dominance in earlier times. He supports his claim by describing historical time periods he has researched.The author’s purpose is to point out that the importance of domesticated plants and animals in order to contradict the racial claims about dominance of early humans. The author writes in a casual tone to show his expertise for the other scientists in the audience whom he expects to have similar views he does.


Rhetorical Precis “This is Water”

Carolyn Graham

Professor L. Brooks

RWS100 67

5 September 2013

Rhetorical Precis “This is Water”

          David Foster Wallace, speaker at Kenyon graduation, in the commencement speech, “This is Water,” asserts that the liberal Arts Degree that they are earning allows them to exercise control over how and what you think. Foster Wallace supports his assertion by telling his own experiences as an expert. The author’s purpose is to inform the graduates that academic education makes you over-analyze things in order to  get the to realize that life is about the choices you make to see things certain ways. The author writes uses a blunt tone for the graduates of Kenyon College.