Monthly Archives: November 2013

My opinions on gun control

<I am the kind of person who believes it is a personal right to own guns. Yes, I believe background checks should be a little more implemented, but guns shouldn’t be taken away. I think maybe people that own guns should take classes or a test just like you would for a driver’s license. If it’s a type of machine just like how a car is, you should required t take a certain amount of classes or certain amount of hours using a gun and learning about guns and how they could hurt people of used wrongly. I doubt anyone could make any arguments with that, because the people who should really own guns would ace a test like that.
I don't think that the issue of guns is really that big of a deal anyways… I really think the real problem here is something to do with the media blowing up these gun massacre stories out of proportion. There are other more important things going on in our nation media just makes guns out to be the hot gossip of a story. I wish this weren't true, but in our society media over runs everything. We learn a lt for the media whether it be true or untrue, we believe it. So I believe the true problem is media not guns. People will always kill other people, we have other things to worry about. Like what's going on with the healthcare or what's going on with things that actually have importance to us.