
Chasing Cars

3 years 6 months 18 days and counting.

Yeah, I know… I’m 18. This relationship has filled 1/5 of my life with pure love and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

We met when I was 14. He was the crazy, obnoxious kid that was retaking freshman biology and I was that typical straight A, teacher’s pet kind of girl who everyone copied off of. You know the first words he said to me? “You are cute, can I have your number?” not even a “hello, my name is Drew” or a “hey, what’s your name?” Of course, I give him my number and then he asks, “wait, what’s your name for the contact?” Hahahaha.

This is the kid I’ve been with for 3+ years, how is it possible? We are best friends. He’s the funniest, rudest, craziest guy I have ever met and I love him. There is never a dull moment with him.

What is a relationship without a song? I know cheesy, right?

We agreed that couple songs were stupid especially since our relationships we just got out of had the exact same song… 1 2 3 4 I love you by plain white tees. AWKWARDDDDD. lol.

I heard this song before, but while listening to it there was something different about it at the moment. I realized as the lyrics went through my mind that it was the picture of our relationship. Everything about it reminded me us. Absolutely EVERYTHING. The simplicity of it, the repetitiveness, the complete and udder truth about how love should be.

I can’t recall how many times people have told us that we weren’t serious and my family not believing in us as a couple. “We don’t need anything or anyone” The lyrics of this song portray it all, we just need each other, and no matter what we do, it will always be awesome just because it’s something we do together.

“I don’t know where. Confused about how as well. Just know that these things will never change for us at all.” We don’t know whether we will be together forever or how we will make it work, but we know that nothing between us will ever change anything.

When I hear this song, I just smile and think about a night back to where it first played randomly between us.

It was our 2nd anniversary and we had no money AT ALL, so we made sandwiches, grabbed some “kid wine” aka apple cider and drove to the top of mountain over looking our city. I played my favorite Pandora station which he did NOT agree with because he hates The Fray… and this song plays. I smile and as the sun goes down I start singing to him in my terrible voice at the top of my lungs (Typical me, I ruin romantic moments with outbursts of terrible singing while we both laugh).

Ever since then, I hear this song constantly and I just smile and realize that this is our song.

2009 WINTER FORMAL                                         2013 PROM

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4 responses to “Chasing Cars

  1. This is a very cute story of how you guys met! I think you were able to relate to this song because it appealed to you emotionally. The words of the song made you think about your relationship with your boyfriend which brought out an emotional response and that’s why you were able to connect with it.

  2. You just love this song and every time I hear it or hear the its name you pop into my head. I can really tell that you and Drew seriously have an emotional connection to this song. It’s pretty funny how you two met, I had no idea that he approached you like that hahaha but you can tell by the way you connect your relationship to the song and just by the way you talk about him that he means so much to you and he always will, no matter what . Cute pictures by the way, gorgeous!!

  3. Looking through the different options of posts to read I almost skipped this because it was longer, but then I saw the song title and the 3 years 6 months and I was hooked. I’ve been with my girlfriend for almost a year and 4 months and I can relate completely. I love couples who truly love each other. This song is appealing because it brings back a lot of good memories and an interesting point. When you’re in love its funny how much time you can “waste” spend sitting around not caring what you do. Between taking out the trash, cooking dinner, window shopping at target, playing tag at the park and doing homework together, my girlfriend and I can honestly say we don’t care what it is we’re doing so long as we’re together. I enjoyed your story, thanks for sharing!

  4. I love this song all thanks to the thousands of different times throughout our friendship that you have blasted it. I love the story of how you and Drew met. You two are honestly one of the weirdest, most random, but absolutely adorable couples that I have ever met. I know how much this song and Drew both mean to you. I feel like this song is such a HUGE part of your guys’ relationship. It’s so emotional, and I think that it is the perfect couple song. I love the emotional aspect of this song. It is so innocent and you can just feel the love through the lyrics. I wish you and Drew a lifetime of happiness.

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